Thanks for visiting our About Us page! These are the members in our group now:

Our parents, Gregory & KariJoy, grew up in Michigan where they met and married. Papa graduated from Michigan State and Mama from Liberty University. Papa has an engineering consulting business and works mostly out of our home. He also enjoys preaching, playing his trumpet, and looking through his telescope on starry nights. Mama loves our “Rocky Hills Farm” with all her fruit/nut trees and bushes–and especially the animals. (We gave her a baby pig for Mother’s Day 2019, and now sweet Charlotte has grown huge!) Mama has fun playing her flutes and percussion for our group and learning the history behind the hymns we sing.

Hi—I’m Peter! I play the piano for our group and like to arrange some of our songs. I went to Pensacola Christian College and enjoy writing computer software as an independent developer. I live next-door to my family and am having fun raising goats and chickens. I enjoy teaching Sunday school at church and a young adult Bible study in my home. I also like spending time with folks at the nursing homes where I teach Bible studies and play the piano. One of my favorite hobbies is bike riding.

Hi! I’m Priscilla! I am a private piano and violin teacher. I love it! Since I teach from home, I have more time to hang out with my family and do things around the farm. I have some chickens and three adorable Nigerian Dwarf goats named Ellie, Ola, and Buster. This year Susanna and I started a business called Simply G.O.A.T., where we make and sell homemade goat milk soap and other skincare products. I’ve been having so much fun learning all about it! In my spare time, I enjoy reading, sewing, and baking cookies. Whenever I get the chance, I also love hiking in the mountains, skiing, biking, and going on other adventures with my siblings and friends.

Hi, I’m Deborah! I play the harp and sing soprano for our group. I enjoy my work at a local restaurant, and I also have a side business as an event harpist. It’s been so fun getting to play for weddings, dinners, and other events in our area! Some things I like to do for fun are going on day trips, being outside on our farm, hanging out with my family, playing tennis, and taking long walks!

Luke and Hope–I’m Luke and some remember me as the political animal of the family. I have served in local government for several years and recently won a seat in the State House of Representatives. Serving my community while protecting our God given freedoms is what drives me. For my actual day job, I’m a licensed health insurance advisor – helping individuals, families, and small business owners find affordable health coverage. As for my personal life, it drastically changed this year – in a very good way! I married the most amazing woman in April, 2024. Her name is Hope and she has brightened my life exponentially!

Hi–I’m Susanna! I love reading, making music, and spending time with my family. Along with serving as a waitress at a local deli, I work for myself as a home baker. I love trying new things in the kitchen and making sweets for my community (and family, of course!). Another thing that I’m passionate about is music. I love to sing with my family and play my violin. I also recently purchased a cello, and am having fun learning to play it!

Hey, I’m Phebe! I’m the youngest of my family (and no, I’m not spoiled!). I love music—classical especially—and play the violin and piano…and a tad of banjo. 🙂 I love helping out with our animals on the farm. I always enjoy hanging out with my family and my dog, Afina. I also love doing anything adventurous (and I can usually get Priscilla to do it with me!!)